New Additions

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yes, that’s right, we finally got some goats.  2 Pygmy goats.  They are the sweetest things and quite entertaining.



This is Jasper, he is a year old.  We found him on Craig’s list and drove 2 hours to get him.  He rode home in the back seat with my son, they seem to have bonded and are now pretty good buddies.  He’s a sweetheart, a bottle fed, people lover.  Jasper comes when called and is very loving.  Now as you know we like to name our animals after historical figures, well Jasper came with his name and since he responds to it, I decided not to change it, though I did scour the internet till I could find a historical connection it’s slim but it works LOL, Jasper is the name of an Uncle of one of the King Henry’s of England.  It is also the English name most associated with one of the 3 wise men of biblical fame (though they are never listed or given names in the bible) the name Jasper in Persian means “treasurer”.



Introducing Amelia, I bought her at a farm auction, and is the reason we got Jasper, she cried and cried and wandered around looking for other goats.  We’ve taken her shopping at tractor supply, brought her home in the car and she will walk on a leash, though she is still pretty skittish.  Though she is warming up quickly.  We believe that she is 4-6months old though not entirely certain as no records came with her.  She loves to jump and twirl and follow Jasper around, if he gets to far from her she cries for him.  Her name in keeping with the Historical theme is for Amelia Earhart.





Names for Animals

In my last post, I mentioned that we (I guess I should say I) have a habit or preference to name our animals after historical figures.  History as always fascinated me and I love to give my animals names that have significance instead of what I think of as lame names, like fluffy or spike.  Looking back at the posts that I wrote about our indoor family pets, I realized that I didn’t say who they were named after.  The way I did for Bonnie and Clyde.  So this post is a little catch up on that, before I go to the other introductions.

The Dogs

Napoleon— is named after Napoleon Bonaparte who was a French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the latter stages of the French Revolution and was eventually banished from France.

Rasputin– is named after Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was a Russian mystic and advisor to the Romanovs, the Russian imperial family. Some say he laid the curse on the Romanov family.

Romeo the Cat

You of course may have guessed this one, he is named for Romeo Montegue from Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet.

Bonnie and Clyde

Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker


Clyde and Bonnie

Bonnie and Clyde are  geese, they are white embden’s.  In our house, we have a habit of naming our animals/pets after historical or literary figures, so these 2 are named after the “gangsters” Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, who were made notorious by the release of snapshots showing them, posing with guns and cigars.  Mostly responsible for petty crimes, a few bank robberies and the needless killing of several people including 9 police officers, they were gunned down by a ‘posse’ in 1934.  Sadly, Bonnie passed away this past winter, not sure what happened she was sitting on her nest one day and the next she was laying by the door and Clyde was sitting on the nest. I was hoping for goslings so that one could keep Clyde company but he got bored sitting on the nest and the eggs did not hatch.  We also use the geese as “flock” protectors, Bonnie and Clyde lived with our chickens and help protect them from predators.  In fact, they have actually attacked a hawk once and came out the victors.  For now Clyde remains the sole goose on the farm he is in fact quite gentle for a goose and loves to splash in his little tub, steal food from the chickens, and honk at everyone.

Bonnie andClydeBonnie Clyde Gosling IMG_9181 IMG_9187


Romeo Romeo, enjoying the late summer afternoon We only have the one cat on our farm, and according to my hubs, he will be the only one to ever grace our farm. Romeo, is an indoor cat, as he has been declawed. I rescued him from a pet store when he was about 4 months old, that was about 6 years ago, this past December, he is my little Christmas kitty. I refer to him as my good luck kitty, ever since I got him good things have been happening in my life. Romeo has been there with me and my son through many changes and challenges. He helps make our farm a home, even if he feels it is his job put hair on any clean blankets or clothes, the couch, chair and… well you get the picture.



The Dogs of Ridgetop Farm

Sleepy Puppies

We have 2 wonderful, loving and cute dogs that live here at the farm, not just as farm dogs but as beloved members of our family. They can cause quite the ruckus when they hear a noise that is not normal, in other words they like to bark at anything and everything.  They all get along though, and cuddle together to sleep.

Meet Napoleon (as in Bonaparte), our wonderful 4-year-old Lab and Burmese Mountain dog mix, he loves to go for walks, and car rides, but hates getting wet especially his feet.  He also does not care for treat or toys.

Meet Rasputin our almost 2-year-old English Springer Spaniel.  He loves to go for car rides and to jump in puddles, the pool or really any source of water.  He loves treats but is quite jealous of attention shown to any other animal.


Here they are cuddeling with my step-son’s dog Ruby.

A New Magazine on the Block

 I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Cold Antler Farm, and I came across a link to an online magazine for homesteaders or just those interested in gardening ect.  It’s called “From Scratch”  I not only read it from cover to cover in one sitting, but I also signed up for a subscription, which is FREE, yes, Free.  I enjoyed so much that I thought I would share it with you all, as well.  You can check it out here.

Thanks for stopping by,


Pinteresting: Garden Planning

 I’ve decided to branch out and make some garden beds for flowers around the house.  Pinterest, has been a help in finding how-to’s, and tips, but also in finding fun things to make your garden area look fun and pretty.  Here’s a few idea’s I found this morning, that I am hoping to include in my own garden/yard.    Several of them are DIY kinda projects, or upcycling. 

garden stones

Have some rocks on your property? a cute idea for marking where you planted what, and also for removing the rocks from area’s you don’t want them. You could also paint them with animal or bug ideas too.


you could use any kind of box or crate that has a door, to hide all your gardening essentials. This would save several back and forth trips to the barn.

fairies dance herbs

Be kind to the Earth and she, in return will be kind to you.


Welcome to our Farm


this is one of my favorite chickens. She is a White-Crested Black Polish Hen

Ridgetop Farm, is a small 5 acre plot of land, that contains our house and 2 barns, a small 2 1/2 year old Apple Orchard, which also contains a couple of pear trees, and in the spring we will be adding some cherrie trees. The small raised garden bed area, where I attempted to learn how to gorw veggies, Will be expanded in the fall so that we have more room for veggies and of course a big ol’ Pumpkin Patch ( Fall is my favorite, that’s why so many of “crops” are fall based).   As far as Animals go we mostly raise chickens, however we do have a goose as a flock protector, we use to have 2 but one passed away in the winter.  In the spring and summer we raise a few turkeys for holiday dinners.

I keep trying to start this blog, and never get very far, so,  I figured I’d give it another go.  I am hoping to post about different subjects periodically, post photo’s, reciepes and books.  I hope you follow along on our journey to farmerhood.